My Coaching Story
Wellness and Wellbeing
I started out my coaching career in 2002 in the area of Dating and Relationships. Life experience has informed me that maintaining relationships, whether it's in work, family, friends, love or life in general, is central to wellness, success and happiness.
This pandemic, which has involved so much loss, turmoil and reckoning, also brings us opportunity. I started noticing that getting out IRL was scary to me, even after being vaccinated. It feels like the experience of dating again after a break-up or looking for a new job after being fired.
So I'm setting out to help people to strategically negotiate what they want their life to look like post-pandemic, and to go after it. I'm a Harvard graduate in Social Studies, a Life Coach, published author, entrepreneur, foodie, wife and Mom and have appeared on Oprah and the Today Show and in the New York Times.